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Health risks of a high fat diet - wellbeing dangers of a high abdominous fare

31-01-2017 à 16:32:49
Health risks of a high fat diet
Future of U. Fat contains more than twice the calories of protein and carbohydrates, making it easier to take in too many calories. This article is from the WebMD Feature Archive. A slow metabolism makes it harder to lose weight, undermining your fat loss efforts. Health Care: What You Need to Know. Study Casts Doubt on Common Morning Sickness Drug. You can greatly cut your risk of serious health problems by dropping the extra pounds. High fat diets typically involve limiting your consumption of high-fiber foods like fruits and grains. The heart is the most obvious victim -- as cholesterol builds, blood pressure rises, and arteries get clogged. Health Care: What You Need to Know. Also, the blood loses its ability to clot which increases stroke risk. Generally recommended alongside carbohydrate restriction, high-fat diets like the Atkins diet advocate eating a high percentage of calories from fat in an effort to control blood sugar levels and trigger fat burning. Every major system in your body feels the stress of excess weight. Based in the Greater New York area, David Benjamin is a veteran of the fitness industry of over 15 years. Asprin: The Wonder Drug in Your Medicine Cabinet. Do you need motivation to lose excess pounds.

WebMD archives content after 2 years to ensure our readers can easily find the most timely content. If taken to the extreme, a high-fat diet can result in ketosis, a process in which fats are broken down for energy in the absence of glucose from carbohydrates. Benjamin holds a degree in physical education from the State University of New York, Cortland. Eating Hot Peppers May Help You Live Longer. Without fiber to maintain digestive health, you can easily become constipated and experience abdominal bloating. Also, many types of cancer have been linked with obesity. Overweight women have higher levels of male hormones, which ups their risk of heart disease. Future of U. Although high-fat diets may have some merit for weight loss, they also present some serious risks which must be considered. Although eating high fat foods may be satiating, a diet high in protein will allow you to eat far more food than a high-fat diet will. Fat, particularly fat around your waist, raises your risk of serious illness. To find the most current information, please enter your topic of interest into our search box. S. S. Are you a heart attack waiting to happen. No matter what type of diet you follow, you must still eat fewer calories than you burn to lose weight. If heart disease, high blood pressure, or high triglycerides are in your family (or personal) history, losing weight can change that. Ketosis is a catabolic condition which quickly wastes muscle, slowing your metabolism.

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